Parking on campus
If you travel to HSJI by motor vehicle and intend to leave it here during the week — or if you are a daily commuter —you will need to pick up a parking tag at check-in. You’ll need to know the year, make/model of your vehicle, and your license plate number. Parking tags are free to HSJI participants.
Where to park
You must store your car in the parking lot on the south side of Spruce Hall or in the Willkie lot, just east of Spruce Hall.
You must park in a CH space and NOT an EM-P or EM-S space. Citations will be given to anyone parked in the EM-P or EM-S spaces without the proper permit (even during check-in and check-out times).
We strongly encourage all HSJI participants to stay in the residence hall, even if they live in the Bloomington area. The program offers opportunities to network with fellow high school journalists, and being on campus is better suited for the intensity and long hours of daily activities. However, local students have the option of staying at home and commuting to campus each day.
If you are not a daily commuter, you are not allowed to drive your car while at HSJI. You must leave it parked until it is time to check out and return home.