Multicultural Scholarship


The Multicultural Scholarships support students coming from various backgrounds, including:

  • Culture, language, and/or national origin
  • Ethnicity and/or race
  • Religion and spiritual beliefs
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Socioeconomic background
  • First generation to attend college

You must be registering for a five-day workshop and be entering your freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year in high schoool to be eligible.

What it covers

If you receive a scholarship, your tuition and room will be paid for, and you will receive a 12-swipe meal card at registration. If you plan to purchase and drinks, snacks, or meals in local cafe or restaurant, you’ll need to bring personal funding to supplement the card.

Learn more about meals

You will be responsible for travel to and from Bloomington and for any additional spending money you might want to bring.

Applications are due April 15.