
Financial support for teachers

HSJI’s Kemp Grant provides financial support to high school teachers enrolled in our independent study and practicum programs. The grant honors the late Gretchen Kemp, HSJI’s first director.


The Kemp Grant is for teachers who currently have journalism/media teaching or advising responsibilities or who are preparing for those responsibilities. Recipients are expected to return to journalism teaching in the fall. Priority will be given to uncertified teachers/advisers and to those with little or no journalism and advising experience.

Award amounts

If you’re pursuing graduate credit for your program — either through the practicum or independent study — you may apply for up to $300 per credit hour. Funds are applied to the tuition bill of workshop participants.

For teachers enrolling in our practicum program for professional growth points, the award amount covers the entire $250 registration fee. Grant recipients receive the award as a refund.

Applications are due May 15.